Discover More Models
3D STL Pack of 8 Saint Antonio, Jesus, Virigin Mary, Angel
3D STL-BMP Saint Antonio N.32
3D STL-BMP Low Depth Saint Rita in Decorated Frame N.31
3D STL-BMP Saint Gregorio in Frame N.30
3D STL-BMP Saint Anna N.29
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio holding an Oval Photo Frame N.09
3D STL-BMP Saint Antonio ( Framed & Cropped ) N.28
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Jesus Sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.31
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Crucifixion Sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.30
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Padre Pio Sculpture Oval Photo Frame N.29
3D STL-BMP Modern Wall Headstone Oval Photo Frame and Flowers sculpture N.28
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Jesus sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.27
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Jesus sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.26
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Jesus sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.25
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Mother Teresa of Calcutta sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.24
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Virgin Mary sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.23
3D STL-BMP Wall Headstone with Virgin Mary sculpture and Oval Photo Frame N.22
3D STL-BMP-RLF Saint Michele N.27
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Roses with Thorns N.14
€20.00€0.003D STL Low Depth Branch of Flowers N.13
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Flowers N.12
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Flowers N.11
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio Tombstone holding rectangular Photo Frame N.21
3D STL-BMP Angel Tombstone with Rose in the Hand N.20
3D STL Decorated Virgin Mary N.39
3D STL Decorated Virgin Mary with Branch N.38
3D STL Picture of Creation of Adam N.40
3D STL Compassion Figure N.07
3D STL-BMP Angel in Prying with Heart Tombstone N.19
3D STL Picture of a Woman Holding a Baby with Diamonds N.39
3D STL Picture of a Tree with Roots N.38
€8.00€0.003D STL Picture in Frame of Birds ona branch with Rose N.37
3D STL Picture of a Tree with Leaf and Roots N.36
3D STL Mermaid Sitting on an Anchor N.36
3D STL Picture of a Tree with Leaf and Roots N.35
3D STL Tomato Appels Peer in Basket N.34
3D STL Samurai Picture N.33
3D STL Picture of Tiger in the Jungle N.32
3D STL Picture a Stork with baby in Feet N.31
3D STL Picture of a Young Woman with long Hair N.30
3D STL Picture of Harmony in Motion art N.29
3D STL Picture of a Young Woman with Long Hair N.28
3D STL Boxing Gloves in Wood Stick Frame Picture N.27
3D STL Eagle Face on a Tree stand Picture N.26
3D STL Celtic Skull with Axes on the Shield Picture N.25
€6.00€0.003D STL Strawberry Picture N.24
3D STL Dragon on Heart Picture N.23
3D STL Woman Billboard Picture N.22
3D STL Dragon Picture N.21
3D STL Shield Emblem N.20
3D STL Virgin Mary of Viggiano N.37
3D STL Picture of Flowers Bouquet N.19
3D STL Picture of a Bath panel with a bear N.18
3D STL Picture of Tree with Roots N.17
3D STL Picture of a Woman Moon Face N.16
3D STL Woman Samurai Picture N.15
€8.00€0.003D STL Woman Picture N.14
3D STL Mistress of Cats Valadzho’s Art Picture N.13
3D STL Violin with a death Nature Picture N.12
3D STL Love Composition N.11
3D STL Picture of Garfield Hang on coat rack N.10
3D STL Woman Picture playing a khomus N.09
3D STL Priate Skull Picture on Ship Helm N.08
3D STL Badger Picture over a Branch N.07
3D STL Stylistic romantic kiss Picture N.06
3D STL Lumberjack Picture N.05
3D STL Little Mermaid and Fisherman Picture N.04
3D STL Old Town Carved Picture N.03
3D STL Pirate ship N.10
3D STL Lumberjack Picture N.02
3D STL Motorcycle Picture N.01
3D STL Dissected Superman Bust Sculpture Superhero N.15
3D STL Superman Bust Sculpture Superhero N.14
3D STL Superman Logo N.13
3D STL Hulk Superhero Sculpture N.12
3D STL Antman Superhero Sculpture N.11
3D STL Hironman Superhero Sculpture N.10
3D STL Spiderman Superhero Bust Sculpture N.09
3D STL Hulk Superhero Bust Sculpture N.08
3D STL Edmund Superhero Sculpture N.07
3D STL Batman DarkNight Superhero Bust Sculpture N.06
3D STL Batman Superhero Bust Sculpture N.05
€7.00€0.003D STL Batman Superhero Coat Sculpture N.04
3D STL Batman Superhero Bust Sculpture N.03
3D STL Batman Superhero Sculpture N.02
3D STL Thor Superhero Sculpture N.01
3D STL-BMP Heart Tree ( Cropped & Framed ) N.11
3D STL Fish-shaped Food Holder N.15
3D STL Mercedes Logo Figure N.09
3D STL two Kitchen Cutting Board with Wood Texure N.14
3D STL Funny Kitchen Cutting Board N.13
3D STL Kitchen Cutting Board ( Sunflower Themed ) N.12
3D STL Under Glass Cookies N.11
3D STL 3 Size Kitchen Spoon N.10
€6.00€0.003D STL Cheese Shaped Food Holder N.09
3D STL Kitchen Cutting Board ( Mushrooms themed ) N.08
3D STL Kitchen Cutting Board ( Strawberry themed ) N.07
3D STL Padre Pio face ( Cropped & Framed ) N.08
3D STL Praying Hands N.28
3D STL Eggs Carries N.06
3D STL Carries Objects/Food Hand shape N.05
3D STL Carries Objects/Food N.04
3D STL Carries Objects/Food N.03
€11.00€0.003D STL Skewer Cutting board N.02
3D STL Carries Objects/Food N.01
3D STL Drinking Beer Figure N.08
3D STL Menù Table N.07
3D STL Menù Table N.06
3D STL Table with Zombies N.05
3D STL Table with Zombies N.04
€21.00€0.003D STL Death Angel Halloween picture N.03
3D STL Halloween Pumpkins N.02
3D STL Samara N.01
3D Dissected STL CNC Collet holder ( R11- R16 – R20 – R25) N.01
3D STL Crumpled Parchment N.27
3D STL Decorated Jesus Figure holding an Heart N.49
3D STL-BMP Angel hugging Heart Tombstone N.18
3D STL Decorated Padre Pio with Praying Hands in Frame N.07
3D STL-BMP Young Virgin Mary in Prayer with Frame N.36
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio holding Cross N.06
3D STL Heart Tombstone with Carvings Decor N.16
3D STL Heart Tombstone with Flower N.15
3D STL-BMP Jesus Figure in Rectangular Frame N.48
3D STL Virgin Mary with open Hands N.35
3D STL Jesus Figure Holding Heart in frame N.47
3D STL-BMP Young Virgin Mary in Prayer N.35
3D STL Decorated Young Virgin Mary in Cloud Frame N.34
3D STL Fidelis Figure N.27
3D STL Decorated Jesus Figure N.46
3D STL-BMP Jesus in Prayer ( Cropped & Framde ) N.45
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary with Giuseppe and Baby N.07
3D STL Framed Cross with Necklace N.13
3D STL Decorated Jesus with Flowers ( Cropped & Framde ) N.44
3D STL Saint Antonio with Baby N.26
3D STL-BMP Saint Antonio with Baby ( Cropped & Framed ) N.25
3D STL Compassion Figure N.06
3D STL-BMP Young Virgin Mary face with Decorated Frame N.33
3D STL-BMP Jesus with Sun Rays and Background N.43
3D STL-BMP Jesus Praying in the Parchment N.17
3D STL-BMP Saint Francesco ( Cropped & Framed ) N.16
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Roses N.10
€33.00€0.003D STL Jesus Body Crucified N.42
3D STL Jesus Crucified N.12
3D STL Compassion Figure in Frame N.05
3D STL Rose Capitel Element N.77
3D STL Short Lief Capitel Element N.76
3D STL Lief Chapter Capitel Element N.75
3D STL Short Capitel Element N.74
3D STL Lief Capitel with Flower Emblem Element N.73
€11.00€0.003D STL Short Capitel Element N.72
3D STL Textured Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.71
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.70
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.69
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.68
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.67
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.66
3D STL Leaf Chapter Capitel Element N.65
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Flowers N.09
3D STL Virgin Mary with Cross Wall Headstone N.14
3D STL ROCK Shower Tray ( 4 sizes ) N.05
3D STL STONE Shower Tray ( 4 sizes ) N.04
3D STL PALM Shower Tray ( 4 sizes ) N.03
3D STL SLATE Shower Tray ( 4 sizes ) N.02
3D STL LAVA Shower Tray ( 4 sizes ) N.01
3D STL Cross with Thorns ( Cropped & Framed ) N.11
3D STL Wolf face N.36
3D STL Cat Sleeping N.35
3D STL Hunting Jaguar N.34
€11.00€0.003D STL Lion N.33
3D STL [Pack] of 12 Animals N.31
3D STL Deer N.30
3D STL Hunting Dog N.29
€12.50€0.003D STL Flying Duck N.28
3D STL Flying Owl N.27
3D STL Ducks N.26
3D STL Bull N.25
3D STL Boar N.24
3D STL Horse N.23
3D STL Picture of Ducks family N.22
3D STL Picture of Lion in the Forest N.21
3D STL Jaguar N.20
3D STL Sleeping Lion N.19
3D STL Two Seagulls N.18
3D STL Bear N.17
3D STL Hawk N.16
3D STL Lizard N.15
3D STL Eagle Face N.14
3D STL Dog with Bone N.13
3D STL Boar Face N.12
3D STL Mother Dog with Puppy N.11
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Rose Figure N.08
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Rose Figure N.07
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Rose Figure N.06
3D STL Low Depth Branch of Rose Figure N.05
3D STL Framed Branch of Flowers Figure N.04
3D STL Branch of Flowers Figure N.03
3D STL Branch of Flowers Figure N.02
3D STL Branch of Rose Figure N.01
3D STL-BMP Virgo Fidelis figure of Carabiniere N.19
3D STL Young Virgin Mary face Framed N.32
3D STL-BMP Suffering Jesus Figure ( Cropped & Framed ) N.42
3D STL-BMP Papa Wojtyla Figure N.18
3D STL Hands holding Heart Tombstone N.13
3D STL-BMP Madre Teresa Di Calcutta Figure ( Cropped & Framed ) N.17
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary of Foggia Framed N.31
3D STL Jesus Praying Figure ( Cropped & Framed ) N.41
3D STL Jesus Figure ( Cropped & Framed ) N.40
3D STL Angel Praying on his Knees ( Framed & Cropped) N.18
3D STL Angel with Rectangular Photo Frame ( Framed & Cropped) N.17
3D STL Angel with Finger pointing Sky ( Framed & Cropped) N.16
3D Dissected STL Decored Leaf Fireplace N.12
3D STL Parchment N.16
3D STL-BMP Decorated Virgin Mary holding Necklace ( Cropped & Framed ) N.30
3D STL-BMP Tulip Tombstone N.12
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio Praying Tombstone N.11
3D STL-BMP Bear holding Heart Tombstone N.10
3D STL-BMP-DXF Cross with Flowers Tombstone N.09
3D STL Hand with Heart Tombstone N.08
3D STL-BMP Cross Tombstone N.07
3D STL-BMP Angel with Rose Tombstone N.06
3D STL-BMP Heart Tombstone N.05
3D STL sHeart Tombstone N.04
3D STL-BMP Praying Virgin Mary Tombstone N.03
3D STL Suffering Hands N.17
3D STL Smiling Padre Pio ( Cropped & Framed) N.05
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary of Montevergine ( Cropped & Framed ) N.29
3D STL-BMP Jesus With Heart Rays N.39
3D Dissected STL Decored Fireplace N.11
3D STL Angel with Violin ( Two frame Variant ) N.15
3D STL Decorated Compassion Figure in Frame N.04
3D STL Virgin Mary Praying ( Cropped & Framed ) N.28
3D STL Decorated Compassion Figure in Heart Frame N.03
3D STL Virgin Mary Figure N.28
3D STL Decorated Jesus Crucifixion Face N.38
3D STL Decorated Praying Virgin Mary ( Cropped and Framed ) N.27
3D STL Decorated Young Virgin Mary ( Cropped and Framed ) N.26
3D STL Young Virgin Mary Praying in Tears N.25
€14.00€0.003D STL Young Virgin Mary Praying N.24
3D STL Young Virgin Mary Praying Hands with Frame N.23
3D STL Squirrel on the Branch Animal Figure N.10
3D STL Happy Dog Animal Figure N.09
€4.00€0.003D STL Hawk Emblem Animal Figure N.08
3D STL Two Dogs Faces Animal Figure N.07
3D STL Hawk Face Animal Figure N.06
3D STL Lion face Animal Figure N.05
3D STL Moms Dog with Baby Animal Figure N.04
3D STL Cropped Shark Animal Figure N.03
3D STL Cropped Dog Animal Figure N.02
3D STL Cropped Elephant Animal Figure N.01
3D STL Mouse Clock N.36
3D STL Deer Clock N.36
3D STL Skull Clock N.35
3D STL Owl Clock N.34
3D STL Owl Clock N.33
3D STL Violin Key Clock N.32
3D STL Leaf Clock N.31
€13.00€0.003D STL Pegasus Clock N.30
3D STL House Clock N.29
€14.00€0.003D STL Decorated Roman Numbers Clock N.28
3D STL Harley Davidson Clock N.27
3D STL Decorated Clock N.26
3D STL Stalker Game Clock N.25
3D STL Owl Clock N.24
3D STL Gear Clock N.23
3D STL Roman Numbers Clock N.22
3D STL Helm Clock N.21
3D STL Clock N.20
3D STL Lion Clock N.18
3D STL Animal Clock N.17
3D STL Harley Davidson Clock N.16
3D STL House Clock N.15
3D STL Skull Clock N.14
3D STL Boar Clock N.13
3D STL Violin Clock N.12
3D STL Gears Clock N.11
3D STL Wolf Clock N.10
3D STL Old Ship Clock N.09
3D STL Pharaonic Clock N.08
3D STL Leaf Clock N.07
3D STL Hawk Clock N.06
3D STL Shell Clock N.05
3D STL Michelangelo Adam Fingers Figure N.16
3D STL Saint Rita Figure N.15
3D STL Saint Filomena Figure N.14
3D STL Saint Elia Figure N.13
3D STL Saint Lupo Figure N.12
3D STL Saint Lucido N.17
3D STL Crying Padre Pio with Oval photo Frame N.04
3D STL Young Virgin Mary with Baby in Oval Frame N.22
€34.00€0.003D STL Young Virgin Mary hugging Baby in Oval Frame N.21
3D STL Young Virgin Mary hugging Baby N.20
3D STL Picture of Madonna Pompei with Frame N.31
3D STL Young Virgin Mary ( Framed & Cropped ) N.19
3D STL Jesus Face Frame N.37
3D STL Jesus in Rocks Frame N.36
3D STL Jesus in Prayer N.35
3D STL Jesus holding a Heart N.34
€33.00€0.003D STL Jesus holding a Heart N.33
3D STL Sacre Family Figure N.02
3D STL Heart with Rose Tombstone N.02
3D STL Cross with Leaf Tombstone N.01
3D STL Angel with Cloak N.14
€26.00€0.003D STL Angel holding a Torch N.13
3D STL Angel holding a Rectangular Photo Frame N.12
3D STL Jesus Carring a Cross N.32
€39.00€0.003D STL Sculpture of Sacre Heart of Jesus N.31
3D Dissected STL Decored Spiral Fireplace N.10
3D Dissected STL Decored Fireplace N.09
3D Dissected STL Fireplace with Carved Leaf Decor N.08
€15.00€0.003D Dissected STL Fireplace with Carved Rose Architrave N.07
€55.00€0.003D Dissected STL Fireplace with Carved Shell Architrave N.06
3D Dissected STL Fireplace with Flower Petals Architrave N.05
3D Dissected STL Leaf Carved Decorated Fireplace with Shell Architrave N.04
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Fireplace with Rose Architrave N.03
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Fireplace with Lion face Sculpture N.02
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Fireplace N.01
3D STL Carved Decorated Double Door N.48
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.47
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.46
€15.00€0.003D STL Carved Decorated Door N.45
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.44
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.43
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.42
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.41
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.40
3D STL Carved Decorated Double Door N.39
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Frame N.38
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Frame N.37
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Architrave N.36
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Architrave N.35
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Frame N.34
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Chapters and Architrave N.33
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Frame N.32
3D STL Carved Decorated Door with Frame N.31
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.30
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.29
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.28
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.27
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.26
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.25
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.24
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.23
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.22
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.21
3D STL-BMP Madonna dell’arco with Baby in Cloud Frame N.18
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.20
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.19
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.18
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.17
€14.00€0.003D STL Carved Decorated Door N.16
3D STL Carved Decorated Fountain Style Door N.15
3D STL Carved Decorated Leaf and Flower Door N.14
3D STL Carved Decorated with Emblem Door N.13
3D STL Carved Decorated with Emblem Door N.12
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Decorated Leaf Door N.11
3D STL Carved Decorated Leaf Door N.10
3D STL Carved Decorated Leaf Door N.09
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.08
3D STL Carved Decorated Fountain Style Door N.07
3D STL Carved Decorated Leaf Door N.06
3D STL Carved Decorated Grape Door N.05
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.04
3D STL Carved Decorated Leaf Door N.03
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.02
3D STL Carved Decorated Door N.01
3D STL Carved Decorated Short Square Table N.27
3D STL Carved Decorated Short Square Table N.26
3D STL Carved Decorated Short Square Table N.25
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Round Table N.24
3D STL Carved Decorated Round Table N.23
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Square Table N.22
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Square Table N.21
3D Dissected STL Carved Short Round Table N.20
3D Dissected STL Rectangular Table Desk N.19
3D Dissected STL Round Short Table N.18
3D Dissected STL Double shelf Short Rectangular Table N.17
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.16
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.15
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.14
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.13
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.12
3D Dissected STL Rectangular Table N.11
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.10
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.09
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.08
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Sqare Table N.07
3D STL Dissected Carved Decorated Sqare Table N.06
3D STL Carved Decorated Shaped Table N.05
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Table N.04
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Round Table N.03
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Rectangular Low Table N.02
3D Dissected STL Carved Decorated Low Table N.01
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary hugging Baby N.17
3D STL Endless Decorations Textured Panel N.21
3D STL Endless Square Textured Panel N.20
3D STL Endless Flowers Textured Panel N.19
3D STL Endless Waves Textured Panel N.18
€7.00€0.003D STL Endless Intricate Bow Textured Panel N.17
3D STL Endless Bricks Intersection Textured Panel N.16
3D STL Cropped Endless Intersection Textured Panel N.15
3D STL Endless Intersection Textured Panel N.14
3D STL Endless Intersection Textured Panel N.13
3D STL Endless Flowers Textured Panel N.12
3D STL Endless Modern Style Intersections of Triangles Textured Panel N.11
€6.00€0.003D STL Endless Modern Style Textured Panel N.10
3D STL Intricate Bow Textured Panel N.09
3D STL Decor Textured Panel N.08
3D STL Framed Flower Textured Panel N.07
3D STL Bricks Stone Textured Panel N.06
3D STL Endles Flower Textured Panel N.05
3D STL Framed Flower Textured Panel N.04
3D STL Modern Style Textured Panel N.03
€11.00€0.003D STL Grape Textured Panel N.02
3D STL Flower Textured Panel N.01
€44.00€0.003D STL Angel hugging a Baby N.11
3D STL Decorated Angel Emblem N.10
3D STL Decorated Angel Emblem N.09
3D STL Decorated Angel Emblem N.08
€35.00€0.003D STL Decorated Angel Emblem N.07
3D STL Baby Angel N.06
3D STL Baby Angels in Love N.05
3D STL Angel with Open Hands N.04
3D STL Leaned Angel N.03
€44.00€0.003D STL Baby Angel Face N.02
3D STL Fingers Creation of Adam N.11
3D STL Embroidered Cross N.10
3D STL Carved Cross with Shepherd Sculpture N.09
3D STL Saint Giuseppe N.10
3D STL Decorated Cross N.08
3D STL Decorated Cross N.07
3D STL-BMP Angel with Birds N.01
3D STL Buddha Figure N.09
3D STL Archangel Gabriel Warrior N.08
3D STL Decorated round Cross N.06
3D STL Sacred Family Picture N.07
3D STL Saint Antonio N.06
3D STL-BMP Saint Rita with Cross in the Hand N.05
Rated 5.00 out of 5 -
3D STL-BMP Saint Rita with Angel ( Framed ad Cropped ) N.04
3D STL-BMP Saint Antonio ( Framed ad Cropped ) N.03
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio Rectangular photo Frame ( Framed ad Cropped ) N.03
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio Oval photo Frame ( Framed ad Cropped ) N.02
3D STL Jesus Face Picture N.30
3D STL-BMP Sacred Heart of Jesus ( Framed and Cropped ) N.29
3D STL-BMP Compassion Figure N.01
3D STL-BMP Sacred Heart of Jesus N.28
3D STL-BMP Jesus with Rectangular photo Frame ( Framed and Cropped ) N.27
3D STL-BMP Jesus with Oval photo Frame ( Framed and Cropped ) N.26
3D STL-BMP Risen Jesus Figure ( Framed and Cropped ) N.25
3D STL-BMP Decored Jesus figure N.24
3D STL-BMP 3 Variant of Crucified Jesus Figure ( Framed and Cropped ) N.23
3D STL-BMP Jesus of Melendugno N.22
3D STL-BMP Jesus Carrying a Cross ( Framed and Cropped ) N.21
3D STL-BMP Decored Jesus in Prayer ( Framed and Cropped ) N.20
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary in Prayer ( Framed And Cropped ) N.16
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary With Rectangular photo Frame ( Framed And Cropped ) N.15
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary With Baby ( Framed And Cropped ) N.14
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary With Rose Decor N.13
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary of Welcome N.12
3D STL Cross with Virgin Mary N.02
3D STL-BMP 3 Variants of Virgin Mary with Oval photo Frame ( Framed And Cropped ) N.11
3D STL-BMP 3 Variants of Virgin Mary with Baby ( Framed And Cropped ) N.10
3D STL Virgin Mary with Baby N.09
€55.00€0.003D STL Virgin Mary with Baby N.08
3D STL Saint Valentina with Cross N.01
€15.00€0.003D STL Virgin Mary Face N.07
3D STL Virgin Mary Picture with Open Hands N.06
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary with Baby ( Framed And Cropped ) N.05
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary N.04
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary with Heart ( Cropped and Framed ) N.03
3D STL Virgin Mary with Cross N.02
3D Dissected STL Carved Decor Chair N.14
3D STL Carved Decor Chair N.13
3D STL Carved Decor Chair N.12
3D Dissected STL Carved Decor Chair N.11
3D Dissected STL Short Decored Chair N.10
3D Dissected STL Carved Decor Chair N.09
3D Dissected STL Modern Chair N.08
€23.00€0.003D Dissected STL Modern Chair N.07
3D Dissected STL Carved Chair N.06
3D STL Half Chair N.05
3D STL Carved Decor Chair N.04
3D STL Carved Hand Rails Decor Chair N.03
3D STL Carved Decor Chair N.02
3D Dissected STL Carved Bird Chair N.01
3D STL Round Decor Frame N.22
€9.00€0.003D STL Oval Decor Frame N.21
3D STL Rectangular Frame N.20
3D STL Oval with Leaf Frame N.19
3D STL Rose Heart Frame N.18
3D STL Oval Frame N.17
3D STL Rectangular Rose Frame N.16
3D STL Rectangular Frame N.15
3D STL Leaf Oval Frame N.14
3D STL Oval Decore Frame N.13
3D STL Rectangular Leaf Frame N.12
3D STL Leaf and Shell Frame N.11
3D STL Oval Leaf Frame N.10
3D STL Rectangular Curved Frame N.09
3D STL Round Frame N.08
3D STL Dome Frame N.07
3D STL Rectangular Frame N.06
3D STL Leaf Mirror Frame N.05
3D STL Decored Frame N.03
3D STL Oval Leaf Frame N.02
3D STL Round Frame N.01
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.106
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.105
3D STL Flower Emblem N.104
3D STL Flower Petal Ornament N.103
3D STL Flower Decor Ornament N.102
3D STL Decor Ornament N.101
3D STL Sculpted Face Ornament N.100
3D STL Flower Petal Ornament N.99
€8.00€0.003D STL Spiral Rose Ornament N.98
3D STL Leaf Emblem N.97
3D STL Shell Emblem N.96
3D STL Shell Element N.95
3D STL Rose Ornament N.94
3D STL Shell Emblem N.93
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.92
3D STL Decor Element N.91
3D STL Decor Element N.90
€7.00€0.003D STL Decor Element N.89
3D STL Decor Element N.88
3D STL Set of 3 Flower Element N.87
3D STL Leaf Element N.86
3D STL Leaf Element N.85
3D STL Leaf Element N.84
3D STL Leaf Element N.83
€7.00€0.003D STL Leaf Element N.82
3D STL Bouquet of Roses Ornament N.81
3D STL Leaf Emblem N.80
3D STL Shell Ornament N.79
3D STL Leaf Composition Ornament N.78
3D STL Shell Ornament N.77
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.76
3D STL Flower Ornament N.75
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.74
3D STL Leaf With Rose Ornament N.73
3D STL Leaf Element N.72
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.71
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.70
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.69
3D STL-BMP Padre Pio in Frame N.01
3D STL-BMP Virgin Mary with Baby ( Framed and Cropped ) N.01
3D STL-BMP Jesus Face N.19
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.68
3D STL Lion Face Ornament N.67
3D STL Leaf with Emblem Ornament N.66
3D STL Leaf Composition Ornament N.65
€9.00€0.003D STL Leaf Ornament N.64
3D STL Rose Ornament N.63
3D STL Flower Shell Ornament N.62
3D STL Flower Shell Ornament N.61
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.60
3D STL Shell Ornament N.59
3D STL Angled Flower Composition with Shell Ornament N.57
3D STL Flower with Branches Ornament N.56
3D STL Leaf Composition Ornament N.55
3D STL Leaf Composition Ornament N.54
3D STL Shell Emblem with Leaf N.53
3D STL Leaf Composition Ornament N.52
3D STL Shell Ornament N.51
3D STL Grifoni Ornament N.50
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.49
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.48
3D STL Petals Ornament N.47
3D STL Flower Ornament N.46
€8.00€0.003D STL Leaf Ornament N.45
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.44
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.43
3D STL Flower Ornament N.42
3D STL Petals Ornament N.41
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.40
3D STL Petals Flower Ornament N.39
3D STL Petals with Seeds Ornament N.38
3D STL Petals Ornament N.37
3D STL Petals Ornament N.36
3D STL Petals Ornament N.35
3D STL Petals Ornament N.34
3D STL Jesus Crucified N.01
3D STL Jesus Face in the Cross N.18
3D STL Jesus Face Sculpture N.17
3D STL Jesus with Heart Rays N.16
€15.00€0.003D STL Jesus with Cross N.15
3D STL Jesus in the Sunset N.14
3D STL Jesus Takes by Hand N.13
€35.00€0.003D STL Image of Jesus on the Cross N.12
3D STL Jesus Carrying the Cross N.11
€44.00€0.003D STL Jesus Shepherd N.10
3D STL Jesus face with crown of spine N.09
3D STL Picture of Jesus in the Crucifixion N.08
3D STL Saint Antonio with Baby N.02
3D STL Picture of Jesus in the Crucifixion N.06
3D STL Picture of Jesus in the Crucifixion N.05
€45.00€0.003D STL Picture of Jesus in the Crucifixion N.04
3D STL Jesus Crucified N.03
3D STL Jesus in Prayer with Angel N.02
3D STL Sculpture of Jesus in Prayer N.01
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.33
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.32
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.31
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.30
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.29
3D STL Pointed Flower Ornament N.28
3D STL Ornament N.27
€8.00€0.003D STL Petals Ornament N.26
3D STL Leaf Spearhead Ornament N.25
3D STL Decored Ornament N.24
3D STL Pointed Flower Ornament N.23
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.22
3D STL Flower Ornament N.21
3D STL Flower Ornament N.20
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.19
3D STL Petals Flower Ornament N.18
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.17
3D STL Ornament N.16
3D STL Petals Flower Ornament N.15
3D STL Spearhead Ornament N.14
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.13
3D STL Flower Ornament N.12
3D STL Spearhead Ornament N.11
3D STL Petals Ornament N.10
3D STL Pointed Flowers Ornament N.09
3D STL Petals Ornament N.08
3D STL Ornament N.07
3D STL Petals Ornament N.06
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.05
3D STL Leaf Ornament N.04
3D STL Round Ornament N.03
3D STL Rose Emblem Round Ornament N.02
3D STL Rose Emblem Ornament N.01
3D STL Thorns Rose Column N.54
3D STL Square Column N.53
3D STL Thick Leaf Column N.52
3D STL Thick Leaf Column N.51
3D STL Leaf Column N.50
3D STL Spyral Column N.49
3D STL Leaf Column N.48
3D STL Sculpted Woman Body Column N.47
3D STL Spyral Leaf Balustrade Column N.46
3D STL Balustrade Column N.45
3D STL Leaf Column N.44
3D STL Leaf Column N.43
3D STL Column N.42
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.41
3D STL Leaf Balustrade Column N.40
3D STL Balustrade Column N.39
3D STL Two Layers Balustrade Column N.38
3D STL Double Spyral Balustrade Column N.37
3D STL Spyral 3 Layers Balustrade Column N.36
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.35
3D STL Balustrade Column N.34
3D STL 3 Layers Balustrade Column N.33
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.32
€7.00€0.003D STL Balustrade Column N.31
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.30
€7.00€0.003D STL Balustrade Column N.29
3D STL Balustrade Column N.28
3D STL Balustrade Column N.27
3D STL Balustrade Column N.26
3D STL Balustrade Column N.25
3D STL Balustrade Column N.24
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.23
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.22
3D STL Balustrade Column N.21
3D STL Balustrade Column N.20
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.19
3D STL Spyral Balustrade Column N.18
3D STL Balustrade Column N.17
3D STL Balustrade Column N.16
3D STL Balustrade Column N.15
3D STL Balustrade Column N.14
3D STL Square Column N.13
3D STL Fireplace Angled Rose Column N.12
3D STL Female Body Sculpted Column N.11
3D STL Half Short Grape Column N.10
3D STL Short Grape Column N.09
3D STL Tall Grape Column N.08
3D STL Column N.07
3D STL Column N.06
3D STL Spiral Column N.04
3D STL Spiral Column N.03
3D STL Spiral Column N.02
€14.00€0.003D STL Spiral Column N.01
3D STL Shell Clock N.04
3D STL Flower Clock N.03
3D STL Emblem Clock N.02
3D STL Embroidered Textured Clock N.01
€12.00€0.003D STL Two Pices Of Moulding Decor N.35
3D STL Infinite Leaf Moulding N.34
€7.00€0.003D STL Infinite Flowers Moulding N.33
3D STL Infinite Decor Moulding N.32
3D STL Infinite Decor Moulding N.31
3D STL Infinite Leaf Decor Moulding N.30
3D STL Infinite Leaf Decor Moulding N.29
3D STL Infinite Leaf Decor Moulding N.28
3D STL Infinite Leaf Decor Moulding N.27
€8.00€0.003D STL Infinite Decor Moulding N.26
3D STL Infinite Decor Moulding N.25
3D STL Infinite Decor Moulding N.24
3D STL Infinite Leaf Loop Moulding N.23
3D STL 4 Variants Leaf Moulding N.22
3D STL Infinite Grape Moulding N.21
3D STL Infinite Flower Emblem Moulding N.20
€12.00€0.003D STL Leaf Decor Moulding N.19
3D STL 4 Infinite Leaf Decor Moulding N.18
3D STL Infinite Shell Decor Moulding N.17
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.16
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.15
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.14
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.13
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.12
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.11
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.10
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.09
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.08
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.07
3D STL 4 Moulding Decor ( Angled & Curved ) N.06
3D STL Infinite Leaf Moulding Decor N.05
3D STL Two Pices of Moulding Decor N.04
3D STL Two Pices of Moulding Decor N.03
3D STL Two Pices of Moulding Decor N.02
3D STL Infinite Spiral Moulding N.01
3D STL Carved Leaf Architrave N.51
€11.00€0.003D STL Carved Leaf Emblem Architrave N.50
3D STL Carved Leaf Bow Style Architrave N.49
3D STL Carved Flowers Architrave N.48
3D STL Fireplace Flowers Architrave N.47
3D STL Carved Rose Composition Architrave N.46
3D STL Carved Decor Table Architrave N.45
3D STL Carved Table Architrave N.44
3D STL Carved Leaf Composition With Emblem Architrave N.43
3D STL Carved Leaf Composition Bow Style Architrave N.42
3D STL Carved Leaf Composition With Shell Emblem Architrave N.41
3D STL Carved Decor Bow Style Architrave N.40
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Decor Architrave N.39
3D STL Carved Rose Composition Architrave N.38
3D STL Carved Rose & Leaf Composition Architrave N.37
3D STL Carved Rose Composition Architrave N.36
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Decor Architrave N.35
3D STL Carved Flower With Textured Architrave N.34
3D STL Carved Leaf Composition Architrave N.33
3D STL Carved Emblem Architrave With Leaf Decor N.32
3D STL Carved Shell Architrave With Leaf N.31
3D STL Carved Decor Architrave With Leaf N.30
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Concaved Leaf Architrave N.29
3D STL Carved Leaf Composition Architrave N.28
3D STL Carved Leaf With Flower Emblem Architrave N.27
3D STL Flower Stone Emblem Architrave N.26
3D STL Textured Framed Flower Emblem Architrave N.25
3D STL Carved Foliage Emblem Architrave N.24
3D STL Carved Shell With Foliage Composition Architrave N.23
3D STL Carved Shell With Foliage Composition Architrave N.22
3D STL Carved Shell With Foliage Composition Architrave N.21
3D STL Carved Flowers Composition Architrave With Central Emblem N.20
3D STL Carved Architrave With Flowers Composition N.19
3D STL Carved Demon With Flowers Architrave N.18
3D STL Carved Angels Architrave N.17
3D STL Dragons Emblem Architrave N.16
3D STL Carved Framed Rose Architrave N.15
3D STL Carved Flower Architrave N.14
3D STL Carved Foliages Architrave N.13
3D STL Carved Foliages Architrave N.12
3D STL Carved Emblem With Leaf Architrave N.11
3D STL Carved Shell With Leaf Architrave N.10
3D STL Carved Rose Architrave N.09
3D STL Carved Leaf Emblem Architrave N.08
3D STL Carved Leaf Architrave N.07
3D STL Carved Flowers Architrave N.06
3D STL Carved Sunflowers Architrave N.05
3D STL Carved Flower Architrave N.04
3D STL Carved Flower Architrave N.03
3D STL Dragons Emblem Architrave N.02
3D STL Shell Architrave Carved Lintel N.01
3D STL Leaf Chapter Element N.64
3D STL Shaped Chapter Element N.63
3D STL Sculpted Face Chapter Element N.62
3D STL Leaf Chapter Element N.61
3D STL Leaf Chapter & Capitel Element N.60
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Chapter Element N.59
3D STL Shaped Chapter Element N.58
3D STL Shell Chapter Element N.57
3D STL Chapter & Capitel Element N.56
3D STL Grape Chapter Element N.55
3D STL Half Column Chapters N.54
3D STL Shell Chapters Element N.53
3D STL Column With Chapters & Capitel N.52
3D STL Modern Style Column With Chapters N.51
3D STL Chapter Capitel Element N.50
3D STL Chapter Capitel Element N.49
3D STL Chapter Capitel Element N.48
3D STL Chapter Capitel Element N.47
3D STL Ivy Leaf Capitel N.46
3D STL Chapter & Capitel N.45
3D STL Flower Style Chapter & Capitel N.44
3D STL Modern Style Chapter & Capitel N.43
3D STL Chapter Column Capitel N.42
3D STL Lief Chapter Element N.41
3D STL Lion Face Chapter Capitel N.40
3D STL Column With Leaf Chapter N.39
€12.00€0.003D STL Modern Style Chapter N.38
3D STL Carved Chapter Capitel N.37
3D STL Carved Leaf Capitel N.36
3D STL Carved Chapter Capitel N.35
3D STL Oval Chapter Emblem N.34
3D STL Chapter Leaf Capitel Element N.33
3D STL Chapter Leaf Element N.32
3D STL Chapter Emblem Element N.31
3D STL Sculpted (Male) Body Chapter Column N.30
3D STL Sculpted (Female) Body Chapter Column N.29
3D STL Carved Angled Chapter Column N.28
3D STL Carved Chapter Element N.27
3D STL Modern Chapter & Column N.26
3D STL Sculpted Body Chapter & Column N.25
3D STL Chapter Flower Element N.24
3D STL Chapter Leaf Element N.23
3D STL Chapter Leaf Element N.22
3D STL Chapter Element N.21
3D STL Chapter Element N.65
3D STL Chapter Element N.20
3D STL Chapter Carved Element N.19
3D STL Chapter Element N.18
3D STL Column Capitel Chapter Leaf N.17
3D STL Carved Leaf Chapter Element N.16
3D STL Chapter Carved Parchment N.15
3D STL Top and Bottom Chapter Carved Element N.14
3D STL Carved Fireplace Column With Leaf Chapter N.13
3D STL Chapter IONIC Capital Element N.12
3D STL Chapter Carved Element N.11
3D STL Chapter Element N.10
3D STL Chapter Column Element N.09
3D STL Chapter Carved Element N.08
3D STL Chapter Carved Element N.07
3D STL Carved Chapter Capitel N.06
3D STL Column Chapter Element N.05
3D STL Chapter Column N.04
3D STL Chapter Element N.01
€11.00€0.003D STL Chapter Element N.02
3D STL Sculpted Chapter Column N.03
Recommended based on shopping trends
€35.00€0.003D STL Image of Jesus on the Cross N.12
€39.00€0.003D STL Sculpture of Sacre Heart of Jesus N.31
€15.00€0.003D Dissected STL Fireplace with Carved Rose Architrave N.07
€55.00€0.003D Dissected STL Fireplace with Carved Shell Architrave N.06
€44.00€0.003D STL Angel hugging a Baby N.11
€12.00€0.003D STL Carved Concaved Leaf Architrave N.29
€55.00€0.003D STL Virgin Mary with Baby N.08
€14.00€0.003D STL Young Virgin Mary Praying N.24
€26.00€0.003D STL Angel holding a Torch N.13
€44.00€0.003D STL Baby Angel Face N.02
€33.00€0.003D STL Jesus Body Crucified N.42
€20.00€0.003D STL Low Depth Branch of Flowers N.13
€15.00€0.003D STL Virgin Mary Face N.07
€11.00€0.003D STL Carved Leaf Emblem Architrave N.50
€35.00€0.003D STL Decorated Angel Emblem N.07
€9.00€0.003D STL Oval Decor Frame N.21
€33.00€0.003D STL Jesus holding a Heart N.33
€8.00€0.003D STL Petals Ornament N.26
€45.00€0.003D STL Picture of Jesus in the Crucifixion N.04
€7.00€0.003D STL Endless Intricate Bow Textured Panel N.17